Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Smoking Kills : But who wants to live till 90 anyways!

Catchy punchline ~Source : South Park

Was watching this episode on anti smoking few days back in which some shabbily dressed guys were performing in the South Park elementary to teach hazards of smoking to the kids .
Result : Exasperated by the crew's performance, Cartman and company runs out and starts to smoke(to insure that they don't grow up to become one of them).

Jokes apart just try searching out for 'smoking+life+minutes' on google and you would see most of the studies stating that 'a ciggy cuts 11 minutes of your life' blah blah... I completely fail to understand how can they come up with such results and generalize them if they don't conduct the study on identical twins and see the effects. The only thing that researchers are sure of is that smoking is carcinogenic, so if you are a smoker either you end up catching those contracting disease and die or nothing bad happens. So Its like that binary thing and there is nothing like a continuous age reduction due to smoking.
I tried looking a little deeper into those studies and almost all of them ended up saying,
The researchers admit that their calculations are crude as it relies on law of averages"
How modest ha!! Its just like saying ' We suck but you gotta buy the argument neways cuz we dont know any other way to calculate it '.

On a lighter note have a look at the picture attached. This is actually an on-the-ceiling poster in the Smoking Room at an IT firm in Hyderabad. Got this picture as a email forward and loved it. Really innovation is captivating!

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